So, the other day I was bemoaning my life as a lonely, single, depressed young college student and needed something to get me a little more excited about life. So, I decided to put some fun and realistic goals to get me pumped. It's my "25 befor e 25" list--25 things to accomplish before I turn 25. The goals can be accomplished whether I'm still single or not, whether I'm in school or not, or whatever. Awesome.I also have a bucket list, but I'll save that for another time. I'm posting this so as to inspire some other soul, and if you do copy the idea, adjust the numbers and goals to fit you.
Here goes:
1. make a religious art piece
2. kiss someone in the falling snow
3. learn a song on the violin
4. run a 10k
5. learn how to French braid (I can sort of do it, but it needs some mastering)
6. make a sculpture out of chocolate
7. read The Count of Monte Cristo
8. Read Dracula
9. learn to drive stick shift
10. enter an art contest
11. visit 5 temples I've never been to and do an endowment session in each one
12. relearn some Italian
13. learn basic Portuguese conversation
14. reread the Book of Mormon in Spanish
15. watch all of the original Star Wars movies
16. do 10 push-ups without using my knees
17. read the New Testament
18. volunteer 15 hours (not for any class or outside requirements)
19. paint an oil painting
20. compose at least 1 song on the piano
21. finish a game Monopoly
22. watch all of the old Pride and Prejudice film
23. read 1 Jane Austin book (yes, surprisingly I have never read one)
24. learn a classical piece on the piano
25. sew a bag or skirt
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